
If you are interested in agriculture and investing, but think the industry is murky and inefficient, you are not alone. Any charlatan who tells you differently likely has a fund, a new seed variety or flood-prone land they would love to sell you for a sweet-heart deal.* The writings following this are for those more familiar with yield curves than yield maps. Hopefully, both of us can better understand the fundamentals of the farming business and the agriculture industry with all of its inefficiencies and skewed incentives.

I once heard someone say that the agriculture industry today (in 2015) is like the early days of the internet. This begs the question: is agriculture today mature, declining, or just beginning another growth stage?

Hopefully, these pages will add some perspective on this for both of us.

About me:

I run farms and ancillary agriculture businesses after having worked in investing. I read widely in order to understand where value is to be created and found in agriculture. I enjoy learning with a group and making connections with curious people. I hope you enjoy what follows.

 * “market price”